Let’s make the world a better place.

We all are energy. How do you feel?

Energy Healing

Everything is energy. Taking the initiative to connect with ourselves, we are connecting with our energy, our story, the essence of who we are. Our life journey can complicate our perceptions by storing energy from past experiences and trauma within our subconscious mind, and our physical bodies. The ego is quite tricky and uses the conscious mind to keep old pains out of present thought. Those stored past energies keep us in the energetic patterns of the past. Thus, our present and our future continue to resemble our past. Creating mental and physical stress.

I have worked with many clients, all ages, genders and types, to aide in processing energetic blocks. Together, we will use the modalities of SENSE, we begin to awaken to the stored energy and subconscious mind. Using sound, smell, feel, sight, touch, emotion, we open doorways to healing. With Crystal Singing bowls, Gongs, Transformational Coaching, Essential Oils, Art, Malas, and Meditation we find peace and find empowerment.

Would you like to experience support in a safe space ?

Let’s schedule a session.

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Philosophy: When each of us takes responsibility for our existence, then we are able to find peace.