The Emotion Code


Susan is a Certified Emotion Code Practioner. The Emotion Code has helped many to clear patterning from past situations, so they can move forward with ease and grace.

"With The Emotion Code, you will understand how Trapped Emotions can create pain, malfunction and eventual disease. In addition, Trapped Emotions can exert a dramatic effect on how you think, the choices that you make, and how successful you will be. Perhaps the most important discovery that Dr. Nelson has made is that trapped emotional energies will often gather around the heart, creating a "Heart-Wall" that may block you from giving and receiving love freely. The Emotion Code is a powerful and simple way to rid yourself of unseen baggage. Releasing Trapped Emotions often results in the sudden disappearance of physical problems, self-sabotage, and recurring relationship difficulties." (-excerpt of 'What is The Emotion Code?'  by Dr.  Bradley Nelson )

The Emotion Code was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. A chiropractor who was seeing ongoing issues with patients. He found many of their issues were tied to unprocessed emotions they had stored inside their bodies. Additionally, he found upon releasing trapped emotions, clients got better, and were able to move forward.


$150 15-30 minutes One to One

$225 30-60 minutes One to One

$300 60-90 minutes One to One

Groups (3 or more) starting $450 Travel Fees apply over 25 mile distance

Sessions can be combined with Reiki Healing, Emotion Code, Aromatherapy, Crystal Therapy, With Heart Energy Coaching and Meditation.


What clients are saying:

" There was a release of pain from hips. I'm able to manage without meds"

Dawn, Scottsdale, AZ

"The Emotion Code helped to restore self confidence and self esteem. I feel my heart softening"

Dawn, Scottsdale, AZ. on heartwall clearing

"Feeling lighter and energetic!"

Emily, Phoenix, AZ

"I am grateful for the work we are doing. That situation at work is gone, and I am back to a much more grounded space"

Heather  Phoenix, AZ

"My energy improved a lot! Thank you so much!" Maggie, Glendale, CA

"Feeling good after session and really great the day after!' Mara W, Fountain Hills, CA

" I have noticed changes in my relationship with my husband (for the better)! It is so wonderful working with you, Susan, I definitely see shifts from our sessions."

Linda, Phoenix, AZ

"Wow! The energy shifted, and I have felt such gratitude and more of myself.It's like a power switched up to another level."

Pam,  North Carolina

"I feel lighter, calmer, relaxed"

Dana, Scottsadale, AZ

"I feel The Emotion Code was the winner! I feel so much better, anxiety gone!"

Steven, Phoenix, AZ

" I Feel a little more refreshed when I woke up today, and haven't needed my normal caffeine intake!"

Danielle, Scottsdale, AZ

My phone started working properly after not working for weeks immediately after my Emotion Code session with Susan!

Jodi, Scottsdale, AZ

Disclaimer: The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products found within are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent diseases. Nothing on this website is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any physical or medical conditions. If you have a physical or medical condition, you should seek the advice of your medical professional immediately. Every effort has been made to accurately represent all products and services on this site. Testimonials on this site are not paid for. Results such as these are not typical and are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee.