
Expand and Connect

When we find connection, we become enriched, more self aware, more able to see....

It is our desire to bring connection, and expansion to all, through multiple modalities.

"Evolve Your Mind, Evolve Your Life"............. Susan Shanti


In the midwest, mid tweentieth century, a young unwed girls pregnancy was considered a shame on a whole family. In Ozark, Arkansas, this was so very true in 1966. Young Sarah had a hard time focusing on her studies at college, and was more interested in a social life. She dreamed of going to Haight Ashbury in San Francisco, and what a “free” life would be like. When she turned up pregnant at age 20, her dreams were squashed, and her parents disappointed, and felt shamed by her behavior. They sent her away to stay with a cousin in Ohio, until she started showing. Attempting to hide the pregnancy from all family, she was sent to a Maternity Sanitarium in Kansas City, Missouri, called “The Willows”. It was a home for unwed mothers to live out their pregnancy secretly, and take good care of themselves in the process. The girls were encouraged to walk in the gardens in the backyard of the oversized house. They were not allowed out in public, and they assumed false names, hiding their true identity from all. Sally gave birth in August to a blonde haired, blue eyed girl. The baby was born breech, and was in perfect health. Sally was allowed to see the baby, and even named the girl “TONI”. Presumably after the father, who wanted nothing to do with the pregnancy, and even denied it could be his doing. His name was Anthony. Sally stayed for about another week, not interacting with baby further, and then went home to Ozark.

The baby was adopted out 4 weeks later. A couple who had previously adopted a boy from The Willows 2 years prior, seemed like the perfect fit. Carol was a nurse pursuing her Masters in Nursing, and James a detective for the Kansas City Police Department who dabbled in fitness. They took the baby home and named her Susan Dianne……..

Picture perfect…..Right? Well, it would seem so. However, the darkness had already marked this couple. Three previous babies birthed to them had passed away from congenital defects. These two adopted children were angered prayers, but couldn't erase the deep pain Carol and James had masked.

James became abusive in the first year of Susan’s life. As time went on the abuse escalated. Until finally the couple divorced when Susan was 10.

Hi, this is Susan . My entry into this world was rough! When I was about 4 I remember my first conscious thought, looking out my window, at the neighbors and my family enjoying themselves while I was supposed to be in bed for the evening. IT was a feeling that became deeply in bedded. I began my search. My search for reason, for purpose, for connection.

My meditation practice started around this time. I would routinely enjoy quiet time, allowing my mind and body to relax. This was purely instinctual, and perhaps a response to the negative environment I was exposed too. Nevertheless, from this early age I felt angels around me, protecting me.

Fast forward to my twenties. I knew I needed to be in California. I didn’t know why, I just knew I had always longed to be there. Almost immediately I met a man who channeled. A channel is someone who is a speaker for another sentient being who does not have their own physical form. The channeler moves aside and allows the consciousness of the being to come through. I was fascinated, and it was like a light turned on for me. So many things started coming together, like puzzle pieces. I began studying philosophy, metaphysics, and learning more about non-traditional spirituality, as well as continuing to study the worlds traditional religions.

I realized I was an Empathic Intuitive. Meaning, I felt what others felt, could often hear thoughts of others, and even knew things that would happen before they happened.

When I married at 28, I put much of this on the shelf. My husband Tim and I welcomed our first child when I was 29, and in the throws of a young marriage and motherhood, I found little time for my previous endeavors. However, I was still who I was, just minus the pursuit of study. We had two more children, and I became a movement professional to bring in extra money and to help others. In this I discovered I could feel what my clients felt in their bodies! This became a great gift in helping my clients get physical relief and resolve.

But something wasn’t feeling right. After a pseudo health scare, in which it appeared like I had a stoke, but my systems were all checked out as perfectly fine, I decided to go back to my studies. I rationalized the event as a preverbal GodSmack! I went back to my roots of meditation, quantum physics, channeling, and self awareness. While I had never abandoned them all together, it was an area I felt needed more attention. My first certification was in Yoga Nidra, a type of guided meditation. Next I pursued Yoga Teacher Training, followed by working with Energy masters around the globe. I became Reiki Certified, and studied every possible moment. Most recently, I became Emotion Code Certified, a system of releasing trapped emotions stored in the body from previous experiences.

In 2011 a miracle occurred. After waiting four decades, Susan and Sally were reunited. A total fluke. Susan had posted on The Willows website about her adoption years prior, and Sally had seen it and reached through email to Susan twice! Susan had not seen the email the year prior, and having lost her adopted mother in 2003, she was elated to reconnect with Sally ( Sarah). Their familial ties were undeniable, but a DNA test confirmed their biology. She discovered she had two half sisters, whom she cherishes and hopes to deepen ties with.

As a mother, Susan also experienced much growth. All three kids have similar abilities of empath, intuitiveness, mediumship, telekinesis, and the ability to read. Helping them navigate has been challenging as ability in todays world sometimes looks to the modern world as "Disability". These experiences helped Susan to expand and connect further, increasing her ability to reach out for help, see all the perspectives, and release personal judgement.

Marital life too proved challenging at times. Building on connections and expansion, we as  beings, expanded, into our light bodies, seeking greater good, understanding and forgiveness.

All in all, it has been an gratitude experience, a multitude of perception and a solid grounding that has brought peace into this learning life. Remembering past lives and seeing akashic record has helped to shape the healer I have become.

To date, I have been working with clients in healing modalities since 2004. With each day I grow and expand my own consciousness further. My goal is to bring healing and consciousness to as many as possible. I work with entry level to advanced consciousness practitioners to healers. My company, “ BodyReform Hoilistics” employs several modalities to bring all levels of healing and consciousness to clients.

It is my personal joy to serve, I know how I serve, and I am here for you. For connection, for expansion.

In Love and Joy, Susan Shanti