Essential Oils


My love for Essential Oils began so many years ago. The first Essential Oil I used consistently was Tea Tree. I used a diluted version for cleaning exercise equipment, particularly in the Pilates Studio. That was 2004. Later I began making my own blends and those blends were so loved by clients in my guided meditations, I began selling those blends. During Yoga Teacher Training in 2013 I was introduced to Young Living. I couldn’t believe how this brand of Essential Oils were so superior to the ones I had been using previously. From that point on I began researching and learning. I am blessed to have a large group of beautiful people who ask for classes and learning now. Additionally, I have a large team of Essential Oil lovers working with me, which is a blessing, as this has left me time for learning. We are always striving from a place of learning, and never claim to have all the answers. We are empowered by these pure plant powerhouses and grateful to bring them to you. Contact me if you’d like to learn more. If you’re already familiar and ready to order some Essential Oils, click on the link below, or copy and paste the url above to become a Young Living member at no charge through purchase of a Premium Starter kit at a huge discount to retail pricing. When you become a member of The Young Living Family, you’ll enjoy a 24% discount off retail pricing moving forward. And you’ll have a huge support team and resources to help guide you. I love these oils, and know you will too!

And if you’re interested getting started right away, click on the link below to my Young Living new member page! Essential Oils will always support you on your journey. Every new member gets 24% off retail and a starter kit with a diffuser. These lots have everything you need to get you going and feeling supported!